Picking up the Pieces
Over eight months after I wrote this story, they are finally fixing this stone wall along Wornall Road just south of the Plaza in front of the Kirkwood Condominiums. What a mystery… I was contacted when I wrote the initial story and asked to remove it. I guess I upset somebody so I tried to cooperate – still, I wonder who’s fault this was. I heard the city was responsible, but I don’t know if there was some dispute over that or what. At any rate, I pass by there frequently so I will be happy to see things back to normal sans orange cones, gaping hole, and stone laying all over the street.
I’ve thought about writing something several times. Now I wish I had!
seriously? Someone contacted you and asked you to take that down? I think I recall reading something about that project here.
That wall has taken an embarrassingly long time to fix, and I’ve mentioned it a few times on my website, too. The fact that someone has asked you to be quiet about the poor job repairing it makes me want to feature it a little more. I’ll see if I can come up with a timeline of this problem and consolidate the many pictures of it in various places on the web.