Perhaps against my better judgment as a real estate professional who is trained to instruct sellers to “neutralize”, I am on the verge of wallpapering my entryway. I ordered a sample of the wallpaper in the photo above. It seems all of the best designers are trying their hand at wallpaper these days, and the results are inventive, modern, bold, and elegant. The above wallpaper was designed by one of my favorite blogger/designers.
I am bored with neutralized homes, and my younger clients seem to be tiring of it as well. They are favoring a more original home where they can decide what stays, what goes, and perhaps benefit from the inspiration of an early-to-mid-20th century home design. Neutralizing can be smart, but there is also something to be said about someone who designs their home with care, love, and with an eye to design trends… such as wallpaper.