Quick Tip! Five Steps to Prevent an Impulse Purchase
Do you remember young love? Teenagers are impulsive and fall in love at the drop of a hat – mostly with the wrong person. The same could be said with first-time buyers. It can be easy to fall in love with a sparkling, beautiful home that is smelling great, looking its best, and doing everything it can to hide its shortcomings. It is especially easy to fall in love when you want to fall in love. Do yourself a favor and make a list of a few of your must-have requirements in a home before you ever go out house hunting, and do not be wooed by a pretty face or new granite. Also, be sure to visit the home a couple times, ask your realtor’s advice, or bring back a trusted friend or family member who will be diplomatic.
Think You’ve Found the Right Home? Follow These 5 Steps Before You Buy:
- Make a list of your must-have features before house-hunting. Once you’ve found a house you love, make sure it meets your requirements on the list.
- View the home more than once so that the newness wears off and you begin seeing the home with a more discriminating eye.
- Ask your realtor’s advice.
- Bring a trusted friend or family member who will be diplomatic and honest.
- Consider condition, location, size, your hobbies, your pets and children, job stability and relocation possibilities, cost of utilities, neighborhood amenities.
(Photo Source: Lonny Magazine), my favorite online resource for home decorating inspiration)